Tuesday 5 June 2018

Will our next best friend be a Robot????????

             This is the world of developments.Nothing is impossible today with the technologies we posses.So is it possible to the robots our best friend in the future??

Human relationships will never go out of style. But as robotics technology and artificial intelligence (AI) advance, and robots gain greater "social" abilities, we humans will form relationships with our robot helpers. We may even come to feel as though they are our friends.

Is that really something we want? It's hard to imagine that having a robot as a friend is a future many of us would desire. But human nature may pave the way for these relationships. And it may be inevitable.

A big reason is practical: People are living longer and there's an expanding demographic bulge of people over 65, many of whom will need some form of care as they age. Elder-care experts foresee a shortage of human caregivers to meet ever-growing demand. Robots of some form will be necessary to fill the gaps. (Should you have the misfortune of being bedridden, a robotic bear might lift you to give your human aide's back a break, for example.)
A number of initiatives around the world are underway to create robots that act as health care aides or personal "butlers." It's not just that technology is advancing and it's now possible to create cool ,socially adept robot helpers. In the years ahead, there will be a real demand for them.
The Health Care Aide of the Future?
What will this robot helper be like? Perhaps like the Care-O-bot being developed in Germany, a funky looking wheeled robot with arms and a round screen as a head. It might be a bit more human-like, as with the Pepperpersonal robot from Softbank Robotics, with its cartoonish head and a screen on its chest. Pepper's claim to fame is its ability to "perceive emotions." ("Pepper is the first humanoid robot capable of recognizing the principal human emotions and adapting his behavior to the mood of his interlocutor," according to the company's website.)
Or maybe it will be more like Zenbo, the smaller household robot that its maker, Asus, describes as "Your smart little companion," who can turn on the TV and read recipe instructions while you cook, but can't actually make a meal or load the dishwasher.
Care-O-bot and Pepper bring to mind the robot helper in the 2012 film Robot & Frank. Aging jewel thief Frank is given a health care robot so Frank can remain living alone in his home even though he has mild dementia. Robot cooks meals, reminds Frank to take his medications, does the gardening and (oh, yeah) assists in Frank's brief return to burglary. Robot has a range of skills that are years away from being possible, but this charming fiction rightly suggests how robots will help keep some older adults who need assistance from having to move from their homes.

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